creative marketing
with bijin since 1991 (freelance)
& in current role since 2020
Marn has been a client and fan of bijin since it first opened its doors back in 1988—yes, from the very bijinning! In 1991, she took on a freelance writing position to help shape the creative voice of the brand…and hasn’t stopped since!
Marn hails from Hallmark Cards, Inc., having just closed the door on a colorful career there. In her 30+ years at Hallmark, she held various positions in the Creative Community: Writer/Editor, Editorial Director, Creative Director, Innovation Leader, Writing Manager to name a few. Highlights include: shaping Shoebox Greetings, launching/creating Fresh Ink and receiving the prestigious Barbara Marshall Award—a sabbatical awarded to Hallmark Creatives to pursue a passion-led project.
At Hallmark, she had the good fortune to work alongside and lead world class creative talent in a company whose mission was rooted in connecting people and enriching lives. "That’s what makes this an easy transition to bijin—working with top notch talent in an industry that, ultimately, is about connecting with clients and making their lives better!”
Fun fact: Marn knows how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. 826.