massage therapist since 2012
joined bijin in 2018
Ginger knew she wanted to be a massage therapist when she was 14 years old. She is fascinated by the way muscles work and function, and enjoys problem solving to get to the root of an issue. Ginger earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Human Nutrition from Kansas State University. She later received her Certificate of Massage Therapy from Colorado School of Healing Arts. She has had extensive training and educational instruction in human anatomy and physiology, as well as in sports massage and aromatherapy. Ginger is passionate about massage, and loves incorporating some element of sports massage into her work, whether it be stretching or a variety of other effective techniques. She also has a special touch when working with migraine/headache clients.
Fun fact: “I met Jim O’Heir (actor best known from TV’s ‘Parks and Recreation’) and acted like a total fan girl”